Chronically Me: Flushing Out My Life And Times With IBS, A Memoir in Comics – Amazon Select Free Book Giveaway August 17-21, 2015!!!


5-stars – A masterpiece both in its illustrations and content.

Joy Spencer’s comic illustrated book “Chronically Me: Flushing Out My Life and Times, a Memoir in Comics” provides a path through her own personal Irritable Bowel Syndrome maze. It captures precisely the trials and tribulations of someone who has IBS. I have a great affinity with someone who understands what it is like to be diagnosed with IBS, to travel from doctor to doctor trying to find a clear treatment, and can convey it all in such a creative fashion. Some might not click with the comic style; however, the content in the comic bubbles above and around the illustrations are truly what someone with IBS can relate to. Joy oozes empathy and someone with IBS, and their family, can really relate to the struggle that she faces. Needless to say, someone new to IBS can also relate to the path that Joy follows because they may want to try some of her avenues them self. Joy’s book gave me a great deal of comfort knowing that I’m not alone in my own struggle with IBS. For that, this personal masterpiece will be read over and over again when my IBS gets me down.

Jeffrey D. Roberts, MSEd, BSc
Founder, IBS Self Help and Support Group

Pg 1 Alecia IBS story

My IBS Journey – So Far: A Roadmap (with Road Signs Along the Way)

My IBS Journey - So Far: A Roadmap (with Road Signs Along the Way)   1987 It begins suddenly  AKA: Post-infectious IBS Sick in Hawaii   1. Visits to local Doctors Lots of tests 1988-89. 2. Diagnosis of IBS and Peptic Ulcer 1988 3. 1 year spent visiting a chiropractor 4. 1st Elimination Diet given by a holistic Doctor 5. (lots more icky tests) Visits to far-flung Dr's. doing IBS research 1990-1992 road trips (& flying) to: a) Dr. Marvin Schuster, Johns Hopkins, MD b) Dr. Arnold Wald, Pittsburgh, PA c) Dr. Miner, Kansas City, MO 6. 1 year of neuromuscular massage therapy 7. Many visits to an "alternative" chiropractor who used magnets and "applied kineseology" 8. 1st of many visits to a nutritionist 9. Many visits to Dr. Norman Sohn, NYC colorectal surgeon had a "Galvanic Stimulation" machine. Supposed to help a spastic puborectalis muscle. That plus other "cures" too awful to go into here. 10. Fiber supplements. First they worked, then not. 11. Trial of Rifaximin (2002) Antibiotic as per book by Dr. Pimentel 12. Bentyl, Levsin don't help (antispasmodics) 13. Eating less and less variety, anxieties grow. 14. Life is ruled by IBS 15. Visit to UNC to se Dr. Drossman *Blog coming devoted to this visit 16. 3 months Michael Mahoney IBS Hypnosis Tapes 17.  8 sessions Cognitive Behavior Therapy 18. And yet another nutritionist- this time to try gluten-free 19. Physical therapy for 1 year - Pelvic Floor Dysfunction 20. 5 days on Amitiza (infinity sign) Still searching now doing this blog very therapeutic   Road Signs: IBS/D changes to IBS/C   OMG! This is all guesswork They know nothing!   I don't eat before I go anywhere   I start skipping lunch   FODMAP Diet does not work for me   Tempted to do crazy expensive blood test   Everything I try makes me worse   Cipro seems to help but too risky to take long-term   Solitary life has arrived   Danger! Social anxieties mounting     My IBS Roadmap Key:   Desperate Crazy Detour   Well-thought-out plan (researched)   Recommended (advice)

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And Now Welcome to my Night-Time Chamber of Horrors

Literal Transcription of Cartoon #5:   And Now Welcome to my Night-Time Chamber of Horrors: I believe an army of demons enter my intestines as soon as I lie down at night and begin:   Twisting and Turning Stabbing Hammering Setting off explosives Shaking, then pouring bubbly champagne Detonating bombs setting off TNT and Grenades Sending in Fire-breathing Dragons More Twisting and Turning   My Heironymous Bosch vision of what is going on in at night when I lie down to go to sleep.   The Demons come out to terrorize my intestines... It's the only thing I can figure is happening.

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